Cie Samuel Mathieu
Balma - La Grainerie - 18h30
C’est Tout is the encounter of two artists, Jonas Leclere, 24-year-old aerial strap artist, and Fabienne Donnio, 40-year-old dancer. A man and a woman who, nourished by their relationship, have sought to collaborate and share their disciplines on the stage.
An austere space: a bare floor, a set of hanging straps, two bodies sculpted by the straps and by the dance. Just two bodies whose expression and thought are the prolongation of what they do.
High flying, launching, soaring, filled with the helium of feelings, two mouths that hardly breathe out, hardly exhale in order to inhale. A quick breath during the fall is enough to continue, the lungs unbound, the throat thrown back.
Idling, in its expiration, the relationship falls apart, love wanders without purpose, with no clear direction, a union that strips the skin and flesh from the bones, and finally the bones themselves…

Inspired by the last words Marguerite Duras wrote to Yann Andréa Steiner, this stage work questions the relationship between a man and a woman of different ages, united by their passion. The principal focus of the drama, this literary underpinning nourishes the proposal, feeding the play of tensions on the stage, and enhancing the exchange in the physical engagement of each performer.
One stays, and the other goes.
The question of movement and space is considered here in suspension, in three dimensions. A choreography of volume, upside down, without apparent meaning. Permission to dream, the impossible, a certain brutal and sweet poetry…
An odyssey, at once sweet and dangerous, revealing the fruit of this unusual, “extraterrestrial” relationship.
C’est Tout is the encounter of two artists, Jonas Leclere, 24-year-old aerial strap artist, and Fabienne Donnio, 40-year-old dancer. A man and a woman who, nourished by their relationship, have sought to collaborate and share their disciplines on the stage.
An austere space: a bare floor, a set of hanging straps, two bodies sculpted by the straps and by the dance. Just two bodies whose expression and thought are the prolongation of what they do.
High flying, launching, soaring, filled with the helium of feelings, two mouths that hardly breathe out, hardly exhale in order to inhale. A quick breath during the fall is enough to continue, the lungs unbound, the throat thrown back.
Idling, in its expiration, the relationship falls apart, love wanders without purpose, with no clear direction, a union that strips the skin and flesh from the bones, and finally the bones themselves…
Inspired by the last words Marguerite Duras wrote to Yann Andréa Steiner, this stage work questions the relationship between a man and a woman of different ages, united by their passion. The principal focus of the drama, this literary underpinning nourishes the proposal, feeding the play of tensions on the stage, and enhancing the exchange in the physical engagement of each performer.
One stays, and the other goes.
The question of movement and space is considered here in suspension, in three dimensions. A choreography of volume, upside down, without apparent meaning. Permission to dream, the impossible, a certain brutal and sweet poetry…
An odyssey, at once sweet and dangerous, revealing the fruit of this unusual, “extraterrestrial” relationship.

Conception & Choreographie : Samuel Mathieu
Dance and Areal straps : Fabienne Donnio, Jonas Leclere
Sound designer : Samuel Mathieu
Light designer : Samuel Mathieu
Pictures : Pierre Ricci
Coproduction : CIRCA Pôle National Cirque - Auch
Residences : La Grainerie Fabrique des Arts du Cirque et de l'Itinérance - Balma et La Cave Coopérative - Baro d'Evel - Cirk - Cie