Because we meet people,
Because we start dancing together,
Because we talk, we laugh and we fly,
Because we touch and we are touched,
By what we teach them, by what we pass onto them,
By what we combine and amalgate,
So they connect with what we used to be, and with what
we are no longer, or with what we still are,
And we disconnect from what they are already, and inevitably will be,
or fall even further away,
So we are inclined to hasten their decline,
but that which declines does not disappear.
Sometimes we even push twice as far, rounding off
the corners, transforming to a square,
Because the four of us are determined not to let ourselves be misshapen.
Fabienne Donnio and Samuel Mathieu

They face each other, standing straight upright like two arrows. The friction of the air coupled with the delicate emotion between their bodies form two axes. In search of verticality, yet destined to fall over, subjected to decline, to collapse. This duo, transformed into a quartet for the occasion, expresses simplicity of narrative, purity, an architecture of lifts.
The only aim of this game, this joust, is to provide a glimpse of the bodies’ emotion, the power of an intimate and universal feeling.
This quartet combines the violence and tenderness of a love affaire, the tension and fusion of a relationship still in the making. This quartet is carried to the climax of its material and its intimacy. A physical performance that seeks out the tension and the demands of a relationship that is still in the making. It is up to each of the performers, with pressure, to impose themselves on each other as singular characters, in their own right, without ever being seized by any neglect
Conception & choreography : Samuel Mathieu & Fabienne Donnio
Dancers : Fabienne Donnio & Samuel Mathieu, Louison Valette & Vladimir Duparc
Light designer : Myriam Bertol / Samuel Mathieu
Sound designer : Samuel Mathieu
Technical : Steeve Dechelotte
Photographer : Dieter Wuschanski
Duration : 25 minutes